Sunday, August 16, 2009

2009 Suburban Bowhunting Adventures Post #01

2009 Suburban Bowhunting Adventures
August 14th, 2009: Well its about a month until the bow season starts. I am looking very forward to getting back in the woods. Its amazing how hard it is to get through the summer. Generally I would of spent a lot of time at 3D tournaments, but due to health issues, I had to take it easy. A couple of surgeries later I am back in the game. I am very excited for this upcoming season. I will be trying to video tape as many hunts as possible and I have build my own trail camera system that uses 4 cameras that transmit wirelessly to a base unit. Some new equipment that I am going to be using this year is a miltary web ladder and some foot pegs that I build myself.

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